Nuhou, Volume II, Number 3, 22 July 1873 — The Coveted Vineyard. [ARTICLE]

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The Coveted Vineyard.

hrthmking o ver anoieiu i-ooal! m| mind an ovent. Ihal _is paraUel tg somcthii}g th«U | ccrhvin men eleeiie to do ln tlieee ielaink. Tlie.j event spoken of in a history king>-. and rea(is sonie\vliat in this wise : 1. Anā it■ eame to pass that Lolinaiu ihe son ol' Anianak had a vineyavd whieh wa« in .\iawah near the great. d<nnain «>f Ses,sy]u"ihe ehiei'oP the Sanimltes. 2. And Se?6 % ylu spake uuio Lolinalu, >ayi»g, give īae thy vineyavd 5 that l may have it !or a | for the pntting away ofjiiany tubs anu ves* l sefs of maniiok! «ees, and for the planting of a| iierb eaiied strategybeeause •.ife h near unto wj of Cofi is : and T will givo the ior it garnients of divers or jf it seem good v,> thee, I will give tiīce ihe worth of it in monev. o. And Lolinalu spake by the moiuh oi hig p(V)ple uneo Sesßylu, The L >rd f.>rV>id it uu% ihat ! «houJd g\\a' the inhemanee ī;Uh»-v.f unto t!ieo, ; 4. And was heavy hearled lkvaa>e ol' the word whieh Lolinalu the son of Anlnnak !»a<l spoken unlo him, Yet Sessylu desired i) do ihe ! ! thing that was vi>!h, and noe i.> uūe wi'h \ his strong arm. lie might have don«\ lhnt \xll:\\ [ he eould noi get in peaee for a priee. | 5. But eevtaiii of the tvi*>e SesBylu. Luu >f ihe

> j evil Bpiritol l.ebes£oj. aiul YOi'ily kiiowu r.< wlioi'o* i of i'he Adullaniiios f)eeas>o they uro io V b=>ught | for a } noe. oanie to hini, an<l ;<aiu nnto hiuu \vhy I urt lln)u oacrt douu? I)v?ct Uiou not i!so jnngliry Sammito>? Avlse aiul >puvi thy*elf in : the WiUors of Yesroj, for \vo will giw fu. c iho of Lolinalu ;the Amwahan. !. (». So Adulhuiutos Nwolo .•:.■! ( |;d pay n prioo, . yon a.ta]ont (of silver, :m«! noi of t!io inind) to havc nu'iny moro nritlon ; aud tho\ m\t t!ioin u:v»o tho o!dors of tho of Magni!i* cont FHstaneos and spok>.- faWly thoroin a£ain*t !. siying he hat?» prai>od aiul £!orilied thc !;\jk! of \:ntri*\ spo]« u o\il t*io Sammi?o-. ?. And īwo ,A S S;unnol a\u! npoo : vca ovcn. Urnvyoa) >vith Ukui . thov Unoo . V . • ...... 1 •. who hnd gono i whoring nughtify amot»g tho Adul!amitcf ho;-o faW vntncss ,against tho good mnn of tho vfTioya:vl % «n(' al! tho]r plaiie* \tovo vcry good for <to:>Knjx tī»o v;r.eyatd. Ar t -.! »ov do- * f roVie£ I , I

3. Tiion tLc of Riglu and Trutlj <pakv uut'j tbc beart ui u tjhepliL j rd, \y]ii) wa? a Ti&l,jlfUr, and who had a littly dog naiued Ilounu, that hh very bard; and uihm hiiu.,aud i\n>i £>peak ihu.s uuio Scj«ayhi, and uniu thu AdulL0. 4Jchuid l >vill ].iut have thit viaejard s£tolcii If it is done I will |cut ufl" Iruiu \\hoeV ! > sit(eth w!th tbe "Ali Sah)ts; and tlic Jug shal) liek up ihe blqod of the Adullaiiiite>. 10. Aikl it came| to pas.s, when Sessj!u jieai»i tbeBe words of the fchephcrd, that he dki eoneunie mueh of tl|e herb of iu *iuokv. and he clot<ed his iloor and his eai* unto ! seeivei\s and fu* that <lay, and vvu!k ' softly. • ; : -,S i;- r ;: ::; ;: v : v \ 'ī