Nuhou, Volume II, Number 3, 22 Iulai 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL ; A. HERBERT, : : PROPRIETOR. fPIIIS has become the most popular InslilutpL j X this city. It is tjie one, which recommends »;<• |Uiost to the favorable consideration of strangv: - jLveryoue who arrives in Honolulu indulges iii pxpression of surprise jo find sj sj elegair.. arid such \ well appointed Hotel li cost ;V£o;.l sum, but it is well worth ihe uivuey. Th' ch;..' and p:: inotors of the | weu 'bhuied for having erected s'i:h in jtorge edifice ; but before a a:)- ix;"»hed since ' was opened It is frequently tomi I.» : j <:u fl accommodate Us throng vf " * rK*i- - plor is about io ciwt four adjacent c .14 - , i ? e * jthe demand upon his hospitality. j Travelers from all of the x\ vtld. wl*v . - vjs, u. * brought here In comfort 1$ the ; Cvmtnelieiis ships of the Australian line* soy uuauimovi^y; there is no house of public entertainment |i. , Pacific coast, ov in the British Colonies Tvhlch passes in point of comfort And elegance ?*u» uc\ Hotel ! j The building is lighted Willi gas, The jlloom is a spacious noble ballon 1 can seMl"OOpc:>_ at table, The parlor is famished *ery laxurleus^, and bis.a snorter toned piano for the enleualL wtttt of guests There 1$ a Billiard Saloe.n jpr-otUc I with three Sthrale & C,v\* patent eusMen talCci The Bed-rooms are all tarnished *Uh spring uu: and tasteful #ts of fu\ niture* **t!i col 4. a:.' warm* and shower batiks atlaeliea l( 1 There ate no charges fir" ccutcyause . spaests between steamer and Hotel In av. - feinf; and iio extrti fer r\m;e \ at v ? ta^ga^e, & vtbtr extra smke