Nuhou, Volume II, Number 3, 22 Iulai 1873 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
You, who don't \vant to pay for the Nin«.n, ] i don't go and bum on yo\\v neighbor*, roa<l !t! !.a : nynow. Just wi)iit you will do. j I ; r '" V | j "uleuLi'Aiin-E*. 1 ' —Wc 4ou't iiltcgeihcr like this designation ol'the Pearl llarbor re.ciprocity : -~or ruinites; beeause they ave not dull a mite,[ but dull a inighty great deal. j &"'the Nuiiou lias its blemishe* the saine the sun, because even our j.»oor >veak brotheV of| the organ of 'AH sp* <;± \vhen !ie !ooks' ! intO it. '■ ■ • ;%• ; ! i fST 18 it to bc wondered the juib- | i lie act of a Minister, who has been all hiß life a ! pawnbrokei\ 6hould bc to pawn sell <omo part; ; of tlie eountry ? | 11r. Ilt-TCHISON\—We rejok s c to bc enablcdtoj Btate that this gentleman is oonvalescent, j j and will apparently, in a moiUh 01* so ? be enabled ; | to aesist the . eountry with hh profes-' 1 8ional services. j | §3f Thc Nunot fox i* *upposa! to have eoveted | | the i£ sour gra.pes of tliQ Foreign OlHee, and so ! ■ is thc īnoon supjmt< 7 to be made of green eheese. | bnt t-hc o!h( r animal of the organ of 'All Saint? i I ia /oiotvn to have sueh a hanker. ' ; : ;;; ■ I The■Arfv€rlisers opinion in respeefc to the re-; j appearanee of t!ic Nuiiou iBkiudly ,but it fears that ] we are on the wrong taek. We are on tue saiue < taek as annotmeed in ;i our platforin " in the iast! issue o( our voluuie ;or rather we are 2oinji' O O -i irec belore the wind. We do not like the Puuloa ! t breakerH. You may try to triui througli them. | ;We arc sailing on the high of Imlepemlenee, 1 lt is true \ve have a deeided iisteon««tdorably | niorc than <!uring the !irst quarter. • Say ? you Adullanutes iu the trade, doif t you waut thc hide of the bleating billy of Cession ! Reeiproeity ? as we are going to hiiu. No' j need to poison ii; as its natural venom is enough sto kill any kind of a ? mg- -even thc who | ! subtsidue the Org:ui ol' *All Saints. | j ' ' "' - ... . • ] t Uie Puneh of Parij«» in poking; ! iuu ut the o! deputies to the riff ! |,rafl'of Franee repveseuts one as taking uff his hat! to a votor"s calf; mnv this we uever saw in th«i>ej | proud iele^; hut we *een <u good deal of| , imt in haiui to a ial ass. • ; lli* Kseellenoy t!ie Auieriean Muu6ier ue- j , oompanied lolouel Steinbeiger, tl*e Sumeuu laud. : agont, on board ihe sehooner to HawaiL ■ Hifi Fxeellcney pi\>j o>es 1 walt t!urc for ihe! s?!ie Ilawaii in of ; hut we pte>nmo wants >ome I,:rge otKv\|