Nuhou, Volume II, Number 3, 22 July 1873 — Appreciation. [ARTICLE]
We have i by leeiei' [i'oui a Mibavribcr t tmething more tban his subecription fbr 'lhe .?:ccūhā cjuartci\ 'an<l he says he aoiitributes the nirplus "''to\vai>l6 tlie support of tbe only iw(l«lenāmi eheet lu th.e K|ngdoni/'\ We t!o not to bo hired to purpue ouv present uit we returu thankcj, to thi& friend, whose Me are not a\\iare that we have ever had the of Bccii)g, and aeeept hisgift $$ a ree vrill ofiering and a eohtributiop to aid in the "elenee of tl»e rigfus of the King and llie peopie, hie!] a/ 1 hen-peeked. iohmtrv M ;'propow to be-