Nuhou, Volume II, Number 3, 22 July 1873 — Free Sugar Anyhow. [ARTICLE]

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Free Sugar Anyhow.

We fcce tliat sugar refine.vy c<jmbinutl<jn!* :ma fiee trade : politicians are hard at work in &e, United Statee, and.havc s«!mW of snceefcā īn ' the \vay of repealing the dutjy on sugar. This is' a probable event evcn within the time iliat y j\\ s trea : ty men hope to get your measuir ratified, Now, bupposo you have given Puul<#i aiii.l got, i'eeipi-oeii}', but about the gaioo time all ihe 6ugai*B of ihe vvorl<l are admitted <lutj free into Amerlca, what will your treatj b"e' \vorth, espeeialiy if America should simply hold Pearl Ilarbor \vithout improvement of it, as she woulel liave a perfect right to doV Your trade and jour betrayal of the country would avail jou nothing. By an independent cour?e we may improvc our trade rclations all that it is poseible to do, and savc our credit a> a sensiblc and entcrpri*ing people.