Nuhou, Volume II, Number 3, 22 Iulai 1873 — A Cartoon [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Cartoon

in (.ur wiiKlow on iSaUmiuv, wlueh v, s bU}>po<t\l to eavicattive *omewlmt tlic poliu»I ►ituatron. itfe meril wīll iiardlj' wawani t!ie V :hat we majr'venturc to produce an J!hiNtra- • u H'Ui-ml, Tlie ehief movīt ] N erhaps ol' *ueh ' iike < iojre meloiUe;?, ano ncgi\> , n*tvefcy ro«si(its iii theiv ab.suvdity, whioh thetii ;ulapte<l t\« a rinh > appi'eeiaiion. The i M ah>uv«i i\\\ng we !iave noticc«l in eonnoelion 1 \s ītlj ]?= tlie t*evi'>us inauncr in wliieli eevtain tempovāvie# have eritioiscU nule pvodue- ! : Pevhap\ aftcr all, a Hawaiian artit?t may , v *!ue ■> •iuethin£ in*.vo to t!ie taste of llaNvai- . t!ian thc nrti<t of Puneh ov f,ariv;iv;. 11* "we pnmt anythin* of thv\kinJ! - c up at env covner, we elmll not a!lo>y ->;Liug ixctj*t' amnping politlcul caric;\tn o . t il>( ■, ' '■-ms*h w :a i :* e j ere»* «no>ehes