Nuhou, Volume II, Number 3, 22 July 1873 — Our Course. [ARTICLE]

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Our Course.

' We are N>rry -to willl with we have the samc o'bjeet .in;.vie\v% our mut;;al prosperity i'h these islands. — : Th'ey however ;-:o}«oee to get by an ihdireet eour£e, what we heUeve we eonld fcecare in a inore direct and way ( We shall cndeavor to the .■ X':Bt of our ability to eonvinee these frieilds ? that \ur po!iey instead of being adverse ? is most eon!«cive to our inntuāl and v the general ■ L/.A»fj>erity of tbese Reeīprocity was nee urged in the inierest oi' Annexation, ('bjr >vaae), and; the rjeply wae, we will wait till you /;e ready to askdor Annexation; and if il urged in other <]uarters in the interest of in'f}'endence, we miglit get Iveeiproeity and other -Vors in \)t*der to promote Annexation ; that ie ' A*nnexation i- wantcd over there,—of whieh + sire w« are nOi very j?ure, Of eour6e if it m '_nger exists as a paramcunt «enlhneni in Amer- . \ve wouM_ru?r get Heeiproeity anyhow . %