Nuhou, Volume II, Number 3, 22 July 1873 — The Band. [ARTICLE]

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The Band.

" i'he" Baiter uf Sevillc, RuKsin,r«. opeiueie ehef "\'uvre, eontains a spavk!ing varTetj df melody;! I !i€ ro]]ieking caroling of Figaro tbe bai'ber and gems are alwajs adtnired; and would liave 1 :en ebpeeially by ali appreeiative lovers of| <: jod rnusic, if they could have listeiied as we did *t Saturday, to the rendering of the vivaeiows>j '. c:otumBong. 11 \vas well done, and would | ' ,«ve Batisfied the fas(idious taste ol' listeners to ! aiisic in Central Park :or in the gardens of i Ti;ileriee t . . , ■ / ; !