Nuhou, Volume II, Number 3, 22 July 1873 — Our Views. [ARTICLE]
Our Views.
! (i'rom the of Juh Knu., ljbe GazMe of July 2d, under the "A | Forlorn Ilop-e/' undertook t«.» very ēumii: rily of a project whioh hae latter!y - traeted cor.Mderable attejation herc, the ; attctript to negotiate wit|i the Auetralian Coi . for ! a treaty of recipvoc|ty. Thc In ueuihl rough-shod style of treating thuse w!. difier witb if in opmion,! suggests that those w!/ even talk about the possibi!ity of free trade wI *"I Australia are doing so c|ther for th- sake of hea:| iug ! themselvcs talk. or because they are ign6rant of what tbey 'are talking abjat; an fipnily that sucti talkers 'arc intending iS * detract [sicj the public ipind from the main tiori of seeking a rcciprocity trcaty with t!| rnite<\ This |is cortain!y very cutti:, r and sevcre. and ought, perhaps, to close tl. ■ motit]is of those who have dared t j suggest tl;a if \te fail of getting what we need so mueh fr;:. om* American friends it| may be well wort!i u:, while to make an effort in anothcr dircct:jJ Bui we fcar thafc thie gtyle uf argumcnt will, ueu'al, fail of convincing or sileneing fchose w;believe that the attainmcnt of reciprocity in is*just as feusiile as in another. Whu the' natural advantages' of suc-h an arran geme::: with our nearest ncighb'ors are sufficiently pten . the ! difficulties to be ovcrcome in secking its ti ■ eoniplishincnt may not) to say the least % be aL . greater in anoJlicr dircction. Thc 4 uotat;/: givtn of proecedings in 'f!ie Brltish Farliamcnt iby bomeans conclusive'of thc impossiT.ility : making ,% aiw treaty or reciprocity betwcea tll HaWiim Kingdom and uny of the ColonIes; sim|ply shows (what we 'have all a!ong assumeJ: tha ! t such a treaty if cn|ered into, wou!d re H u;;\ihe sanetion of thc rtome Govcmnient t.> '' 1 opcrative. This was stated in the diseussi;>cs i the! Canadian Parliam|nt. when the subjec: ! • reeiprocity with thesc islands was brought ui moiion of the Froia Briilsb Coluii)'::. . So flu- From tlie di?cuss;on hcre of sad) u pro ; o!. . as i-eciproc»Y wi'h tlie liritis!! Colonies opcrat;u. to (hc d!?ai3v;intage or dcirimont or propoi.r. to t!:c sa|me cnJ wuh the l'nūei States, sueh discusstou its more likclv to have tl: k to awaken Ame|ican senators ani eiaiis to the possibility, ! in eaee they faii t; whbt we aek, uf our looking elsewherc ?jr tauee. Tbe following, from tbe of J;;; lSth, is pertinent iii this councctloii: <c The union of the ?rovm:ei iu , creating the semi-nation of tiie Cauailan had the effect of iiaking the peeple pro7f ~ thC|*r new nationaHty from the eoaeeunat .\l it has glvcn them, Aud they aro a!rcalv - of strength aud im t vrui:ee , a Viotoria paper claibs that tLe Pemluieii emmeul \slll heeouie a gveat eouimeielul power tho PaeiHe ss voH as oa t-u' Atii>utk. To all w l -'" we! say, amen Tbe AtlinHe a&l the PielE; e-. teiisĪTe bodiej of cruistyg waters, aaa have rc ■ eu|ugU for «II ilie e>>mmei'ee C.\aada ai hO! ;*lletUer n:\tten». Bat tlie pcmt to whie! l . tve !s tf«- faet thst o|ir t?rethieu to the uenh ; us l»av« becn t4lkiu2 wlili C;e Nelioa, meiaWe e£ I»j « * onuuou*. msae ;v meiieu upou ilie Mt. PeCwmos prajmg that stets c:;\v 'ie ®>r <BUblishing reiij>toeal trad« betHce:i Oii. uud Saud.Kkli -\lthe\igh tkla c;ctlon to Ih; mercgt a waa «fter gentlmen|bsl s : re-l the!r wpon Om Bttt>ject. it w inaicsti*e ef tlie aa\:iū;a <jaafid<iu« oC e«ir nekUvrs iu tUelr £ato«, eeaiaw: eisfijr, ani is er sheui.l te a *Kuai tc c« Tt ?s tmp!essil;le th*t tie V.iCt iiae «Mi »ilt t*mel/ suboiU to sUrtsUeu w!:beut •fiptt» 4ui if wiii de fcr hcr, ghe Krta aui*u«i3 e.f*wlicre."