Nuhou, Volume II, Number 3, 22 July 1873 — "Subsidized by a Party." [ARTICLE]

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"Subsidized by a Party."

ihis iTiaark of the A(Jva'tī<cr w e diJ uot ī|uite , uiiaerstand ut the time we Orst re;\d it; but >vhei! ; we reflect upon tho reuiarKs of th** of ; !ast Saturday, that i; those v\ lio hroii£ht Hght io ' the-$o islaiHls, und drove away «?avagery " ure ' Nvho propose and urge a Treaty of I\eeiproelty ou 1 the ba?>is of the of Peaii llarbor Lagoon; we are !ed to *mppose that t!ie A(tva'!iser means ■ that tin x K::okoa eubsidi:;cd j?everal liuudrel or f perhaps a tliousand doH&rs by the body of eon- | gre£atioual Mii>i*ters ; orby the Ilawaiuii) Board, ' uot oply for the of advauolcg t!ie of \ Ū\?\x roligion , but for ihe *ake of brtogwg crt>out j the Ce&siou or t?ale of lUwaiiuu terr!tory, Sucti iufereueo maj be drawa fiom tt;e o? ' the KuAoa, but for all we don % t" believe it , we dou*c believe ilu\t Mintstcw of tlie Gospel wlil 4;lve of t!ie t!iatls eo!!ected froiu poor iu order to $üb*ulue a £aper to aJvv»eate th£ $fc!o of jpopte % * ratite land, i 4