Nuhou, Volume II, Number 2, 18 July 1873 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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WALTER WIUitRAY GISSON, EDITOK AND PBOPKIETOB. JSSUED EVERV TUESDAY AND PRIDAT Ofiice of tke Nuhou, corner of Fort and King Btreets ? where those wisliing the paper will please leave their orders. Price, ten cents per copy. Two dollars per quarter of twenty-six numbers r A llmited number of Advertisements will be received. Tlie proprietor, not designing this publieation as a permanent newspaper business, will not keep books, and insists upon cash in advance for subscrij)tions and adverAsements. He pays his printers every Saturday. Residence i|t Ihe Hawaiian Hotel t nmiiMiMM iimi iiiii iii i h n > i w*ikpi niM"ii'lwim * —it ifTß~īmrrniTOi'»rriT-rrr^~