Nuhou, Volume II, Number 2, 18 July 1873 — Enemies of the Treaty. [ARTICLE]

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Enemies of the Treaty.

You who want to damage it, all you bave to do is to cut out the «tateiMentB of what will happen if we dois't..get tho treaty. Just look at them ; sugar ruining the. produeer, rice and wool ditto, a rial a day, and notUing hut poi and a maīo left for even the dainty foreignere. Send.a eopy of this to eTerj senator, and \ve will bet you Lanai againBt a sugar plantation jou don't get the treaty. Why of eourse not. Thej will Baj there, 44 those beggars are just.about gone in; hold on a little bit longer, and we will have the whole whining crowd praymg for anDdxation. M