Nuhou, Volume II, Number 2, 18 July 1873 — What a Muddle [ARTICLE]

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What a Muddle

Of tjpbs in tho Govermiient Papei' of la«t Weā- ■ xieēday; On<i of lier i£ black homsat-1 | tended; the hau*l concci't- J ,, .ttnd got saiashed und j ■ pied ahout as hadly as the guh£idized tjpei>. ' ! Arid what a muddle of an esplEiiatioii ahoulī • that oscial " deelaration." If it eame txoia tbe 1 j Foreigh offiee } ... and in the Ministei s hand, evenj | without a «ote ? it ought to have had wsm eepe-< | eia! hejidiiig to itidicate its urigm; imleas ii ie an ' j undere|tood thing that the Ministe.r ia a regalar| | ediknnl eontributor to the GazeUe f !