Nuhou, Volume II, Number 2, 18 July 1873 — The Children [ARTICLE]

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The Children

'Avonqw oiijoying tbe holkkys, nnel we wi&!i wo w<jro wlth them, tiiut i« tbo6e who ean and will go inlo tbe woods, and on tbc moimtain tops, and ic)to tlic wiid waves hy ihe ever BouudiDg. eiiore. Tbere are piants, and iVuitß, and shells fbr thelr | Whilst wo get the i!i wiii of friends, and | fevv dimes. for ours. Cbildren 5 wo would iather| ciirtv our hande with you m quest of Uttle gems | of naiui'e, thnn goii ouu goul m a wadare with] whose eole spring of nction in their .greed, or j their need, But we ōannot get away, We have j a call v fMid we will answer it, even if the raightj | of tbe earth, and Queen Streefc sliall frowD.l Therefore we say unlo you young fblkg, put on | ■your clirty'6ttits, and : old.shoee, or even go bare-1 ibot, and gather tbe euriouB Jand ehells, tho rare| ferns, atul the nmny colored mosseB of tbese ssles, j We know of two denr girla, a Rose and a Star, | who are perhaps now'Boiling their ü bloomers' ? | on tho mountain Blopeß ; who wili fill their pocket | handkerchiefs with tbe par(y coiored oeānella, j who will rifle the sea caveß of their treasures, and ! wiio wili gatter kuowiedge and. health frotn theJ hills, and vales,- and eea. That will be better for I a time, and especially tbis hot wilting time, ilian j to be ever at book and piano. like you, Dear Dim- j ple. The strains of music are'.eveu' sweet unto ; vw, and your touch will alway« wake p]easing j echoes of our onee buoyant ,tread along the corri-j dors of timo. But the music of :thc mountain,j the inspiring Rtraiu of the everlaeting bilis bas j mqre- solace for onr soul, and woukl bave more instruction and heaUhlul inspiration for your heart, tban every day to read, and thrum, aud and eo fit you to he only a lare in tbe daye of bloom, and a BOur when the biossoma have gon<\ * ] Hide your ponies, } r ea, pull tbe."oa.r, clamber| ihe hiii, elimh tbe tree; ramble, root, ahd dive; fehout tiii eehoe'» cave is waked and wearied with reply. Tear and soil your clothes,andburnyour Rkin, and fear not; so that C>od and health are | with you; and you ean 3ive in peaee, and without | pique» or spite, or gosaip in your later days, <Tod bleßB the children.