Nuhou, Volume II, Number 2, 18 July 1873 — President Grant Wants to be "Posted." [ARTICLE]

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President Grant Wants to be "Posted."

ln -to tiie relative value of any harbur| has detailed l{ Col. Stein berger " to vi«it the Kavijgator. lelaudtf ai)<l . then# perhaps to Tahiii, and haek to this on a tour of observatipn. That"s what thc 'All jSaints Organ says, and would like to make >, verdsjLrit f long sufiering,| reciprocity hankennpuhlle believe that 3lr. Btpinberger, a gentieiuauly passonger per " yacht "| Fanny, is some grea* Mogul of an Envoy wit|i powers to select anu decide iu *cj?pcct to merits oT Pear! llarbor Lagoon, or Paugo, or Levuka, or i ongataboo, or Tubuti\t»u, or some other Bubu Stat|on in the Paclfic, If this is so, had we not better hold on with our Treaty and our WashiDgton iobby fund till the 41 |Colonel ī? has made hie selecfcion? We don't w|int to invest in Pea:! llarbor City as iotendicg to do» <1 = 1 we o£ his ehoiee, the way $ whafc the new eity be uaiaed? will elaim lbr it the name of Whitneyviik , and |Others Bishopville, ;or H-A>P % Town ; but we l|ke Spanish names } and will eall it La Pueb;a f (or de Todos Loi' Santos.