Nuhou, Volume II, Number 2, 18 July 1873 — Opinion of Hon. S. H. Phillips. [ARTICLE]

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Opinion of Hon. S. H. Phillips.

il l th*ak tbe Pearl Rivcr £c!k;iuc bosure toTaH, tbat ifc is woT&e tbat u6eless to eonsume our exliausted vifcality in trying to carry it through. M Xhis opinion espressed about threc monthsago, by thc late Attorney General, —a eonfidential adviser of the late King, an able and distinguislied Masfiiaehusetts lawyer, and Jield in very high ostimation by tlie 'All Saints Orga.n, more so thanby ue is moBt assuredly deservlng of eonie consideration. Xhis highly reßpectable lawyer, Cabinet MiniHtcr and gcntlcuian oertainl3 r uot an 44 lßhmaeUtcand yet he iittered ; as ahove, jnost eiophaiie 14 lehiuaeiiie " doetrine. He eaid aioreover in thi» eonneeiion, thaf. <fc our bußiness eommunity cannot endure two ov tbree years of ansiety, ending in failure.. M . A)id what guarantec have ypu, that your efibrt, going ns you woukl go liow, to beg the qucßlion even with your bonus in hand, wiil not elvd in tailure? 1« the spirlfc of swap M rife in America that ehe isever watehing for ehanees to tnkle, when " boot. v? isofleied? Is fc she so needful of stations ? that she iu«|t leok for them beyond her three or !our tboii«ind miles of eoaet aml gpcnd.her and aspume au entangHng extra-eontinental poliey in order to Hecure them? 1h she ufr«id that these Sandwieh Inlee may slip awav from īerinlluōnee* and 80 learlul that ehe mav not bc ab!e to eontrol them when «he needs Ihem» that she must engage in a liule eeheme of strategie approaeh, by the estab, lishmc»fc of a ?tation, ?n order to gain uUimate full posse«&ion? Xot eo % ye seheming lk.\dullatbis ;s not the part of nughty and magmmim uh Amei iea. Tf you try it, her Sennte| will vour fieb,eme as purelv tlte S;unat)n 1 • i i \\ um'- rneviH Yo\t <■*nm<t b-lbre

Congrcsē with a clivīded njreign aenlimeni, and a | unitod naih e opposition. You ennnol. You' liavo made a iako movc;' and jou eamiot carrv ' tlio country >vith jou. And if anv of tbe cuicfe; of the " Adūllamit■©s' ,, cxpcct a niee trii« to Wash-! • 1 j mg v and have a hig teplurge at the oi-; peiihe, tlicy niay bc difcappoiuted. !