Nuhou, Volume II, Number 2, 18 July 1873 — Acheen. [ARTICLE]

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t 1 s Tlie lat«et foreign wntaißß a te!egtam j whjieh intcrcste ub : | " I»xdon, June 2S,—A despate!i fioui Ponang <ji\vs that the Duteh Governuicut wtth tucvicw of tev»niuatiug hoftilities \vith Aeheeu hus o2eitxl Sultan to pay thc ex{.H_'t\ses thus far iueuneu ,by |the wur, to rebuild the burned by Uie i)uteh troop?i, lo the indepcndenoo ol t'uo Suhan and to übs;aiu iroiu interfercue« , witjh Mohameuanii-m. Iu rcturu, Holkui Asks ! thtjt eertaiu lv giuulcd to Duteh | traileri? at Aelteeueso rorts." I W heu we rvccive\i yaj)t May Dth) the iīrnt i news rclnting to ihe *ar betwoen Uollauu ud ; llh' Suitanatc of iu Suiaatra, w« I eaid tliat Aehwn woukl bc joitie\i by othcr Stau* . iii .>uiuatrH, and ould probably \vagc & ful war to muinlaiu her itidqxuidciiev, uud ile . abovo ncws would secui to iudieate that this httic , Aaiaiio St«te has done uiore ihau boid ber owu . against a ro\icr. Aehoeu is full of i|v t"**l 'o ouv iuind. Kv,ut-e at one ūmio *u «lii

anee bctwoen lier Rojal Farnilj and o«r's was! oontemplated in certain qimrtore, ai)d niight havo becn negotiated. Wo euffcred imprisonmenfc in! Java in conßequence of our relations : with ouo ofj tbe alliea of Aeheen, the Saltan of Jambee. | We negotiated with Hia llighiiess for a territōry| forty miles Bquare, o'utlying his dominions but depencient, and engaged many hundred Malnys to; prepare the \vay for an American settlement, j Jambee was then an independent countiy, usj aiueh so a8 Aeheen; but the authorities of Neth- j erlands India weie jealous ef our enterprise and ! feared its eonsequeneos. They sent two ships of war to seize iw and our vesßel. They intercepted ourenvoy to Jambec, they captured us, and iiian insultiug rQaimer hauleel down the American flag on boaxd our yacht the Flirt. And whilst \ve lay in a dung;eou in BataVia onr friend His lligl)nees Molmmmad Pa<ekr6odin, the Sultan of Jambee, made war upon the I)utch colonv of Palembang | jn retaliation ibr interferenee with our negotia-| tions, ! i The fbrces of Notherlandß India deleafcd j Jatabec. Tho Sultan appealed to Acbean, butj help eame too late, His capital, fort, a»d palace| were taken; but he, retiring with his troops inio ; tho mountains, was enabled to conclude a that enabled him to retain his throne and a paitial independence. We say partial, heeauee he was obliged to agree to cede a emall pieee of territory within hie domimoris for a naval station, where the Dutch have ereeted their ibrt of Moora Kompeh. But now thst Aeheen has moro than held her own, perhaps our old friend of Jambee, or ratherfiiß 6uccessor, tbe Ratoo, will make head onee more against the monopblizing power of Hoiland. / '