Nuhou, Volume II, Number 2, 18 July 1873 — "An Ishmaelite Organ." [ARTICLE]

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"An Ishmaelite Organ."

t Th©;aboTo expres6ion iis a coiDplimentai*y dofeig- ; naUou oi' us by.tlio 'All Saints. Organ, We are j inodesj::—we don't think we deserve it. We are bufc a }ittle fellow; and our hanel being agaiii£t evoryt|qdy, ; or anybody woukl not amount to mueh ;anyhow, But when a big sheet like the ■Tiser\o( olden time bueke againBfc all the iridustrial interestd of the eountry; and mei'eh&nle, planters, and co-rellgionietSj all unite in a cry againet the literary. Arab, and say, stop your I hand. or we will cut you off froai part orlot wnh j'UB in the land; and the sheet has to change hands in coiisequenee; wo say then, sueh a journal might justīy lay elaim lo the dignity of being called an u lehmaelite Organ.' v " Hbwever if we arc a ehilel of Mimael, we eann-)t he £hut up or driven ofl*. We have the ! promi*t ol the good book unto our lather, that | " he hhall dwell in the presenee of all his brethreii.«" We ehall dwell here. We ehall stand by theeo jelets till our day of eall ehall eome. We will go toand fro before you, 13rother; and we will Bit down together (afc ihe llotel table; like fche lion aud the lamb; (alfcbongh whieh is the lion is not eortain, but ifc mighfc be determined by the length of the bcard, whieh however also mīght be miBfcaken for a- goat;) but the lamb is not so doubfcful, the lamb of Lanai who wlll livsten unto . r. thy roar liko unto any sueking dove, and will feed and fear not,— u When first I mel tliee warm and young, Therc eeemcd some wit about ihee, Aud to thy sheet some promiae huu^, Wc eouhlnH do with«)ut thcc. \ I saw ltiec change, ,yet st\ll StiU cluv»g \vith liope thc fonder, And thought though false to all beeidc Tho eoolie'e stanch deL rKkr. But go, decēiver f go — The men whose liopes could make thcm Trust oue 14 pigheaded " eo. Deserve that thou ahcutdst break iheeu