Nuhou, Volume II, Number 1, 15 July 1873 — "It is Thought [ARTICLE]

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"It is Thought

;Phat an additional (for atreaty) may be wisely made by a|Cefision of the lagoon known as Pearl River to the United States for a naval station.-' Who thiuks bo? Do you Mr. Minister 1 Then why not simply avow it as your poliey<, tlie policy of the governjaient, and tiiat you have so advised Hib Come out with a straightforward cleclaratlon, the paternity uf the 3cheme, you, in your position, ought to, do; ;md nofc afterwards, sliould ie fail, say that you iad aequiesee# in a iieasure on aceouut of news;mper suggestion ane! diseussion and a certain interested pressure. It is thought indeed, that you, Mr. MiniBter, and ydur eolleagues, liave no poliey or measures in the elightest degree indicative of any Hawaiian and are ineapahle of leading, but must,be shoved alang hj popular 9utcry, without being able to discern wlūeh is ihe truest and most patriotic voice.