Nuhou, Volume II, Number 1, 15 July 1873 — Mons. Le Monnyer. [ARTICLE]

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Mons. Le Monnyer.

We have a good deal of sad news to chronicle. We have to record accidents to more than on friend. This genial gentleman, and accomplished representative of his country, is laid low by disease, by a stroke of apoplexy of hemiphegia. He had been visiting the volcano, and probably fatigue and heat aggravating a constitutional predisposition, he was suddenly prostrated at Hilo, and arrive in town on Saturday morning, in a speechless and helpless state. It wrung our heart to witness the utterly broken down condiion of this lively and warm hearted man, so full of happy inspiration for all his friends. We can only pray, that this stroke is not the last one, and that he may yet have long opportunity to be the joy of his circle of friends, and to serve his native France.