Nuhou, Volume II, Number 1, 15 July 1873 — The People Want a Mouthpiece, [ARTICLE]
The People Want a Mouthpiece,
Aml we propoee to try to supplj t!iis wunt. We have plautod our stakes lirmlj 011 Lauai, aud we are with and (br Ūm Arehipelag\} f the rest ofour dayp, A!I our iuterests are 'ui tlue eotmtry; and we oan liave no to oppose ita welfare # but oVf»rv veason ta do o\ir be*t to promote it« nros
peritj, We Imow tliafc natlvc and foreigner ought to progres6 and prosper alike. We liave need of the two raccs'in tliese climes to make a flocirishing etate. Whilst we striye to promote the interest of the foreigner; we want to do all we ean to preserve and perpetuate tlie native; we woiild bring his kindred here from the far western isies, and with the healthj remnant we may have would help build up a new Hawaiian race. We have no job or office, and we ean afford to tell the truth, whieh we do at our own espense; but liad we any emolument it should not fetter our free utterance, We speak not criticaily, becauBe we have been injured or disappointed; no, on the contrary we ean say, that lia?ing been treated with uniform courtes3% nay favor, by ministerß, yet we will criticise, or condemn their publieacts ; none the iess, in accordance with our honest views in respect to the best mtere6ts of the eountry.