Nuhou, Volume II, Number 1, 15 Iulai 1873 — Col.Steinberger has Arrived [ARTICLE]
Col.Steinberger has Arrived
On board the Yaeht Fanny, fourteen days from San .Francifico. There lias heen a good deal of Hunnipe amohgst the quidnuncs in respeefc to some supposed import-ant poliiieal mission of this gentleinan to this Arehipelago, Ile hae nosueh misBion, He is cvldently a man of ability apd energy, iind is not likely to be engaged on any but important erraiids; but it is nofc reasdnable thafc he t durmg two or three days stay in our town, will be able to add anything fco the observatious and reports, made dūring two 01* three months stay in tliis Archipelago, by such emiuent officcrs as; Generals Sehofield and Alexander, and Admiral Pennoek, Ile haP probably importaut.busiucBs afc tho Navtgnfcor Isk\uds, and other groups of Coutral Poiynesia.