Nuhou, Volume II, Number 1, 15 Iulai 1873 — "Cursed be Canaan; [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

"Cursed be Canaan;

A semnt of eei-vants shall he bc unto his brcth- ] i-en." Wherel'oro this bittev curse of a fatherl upon hie 6on ? Ueeauee the child iuocked at a shaoieful cshibition of the pareat caased by wine.' And was this Canaan the onlj mockcr of aiall in! pat.riarch or ehief ? Oh, no ! We have sucli in ! our day aud in our iuidst; īuen who not on!y ■ uioek, but connive at a wcakness whieh they! ought with eome filial and patriotic feeling to try to prevent, or at least cover up. Cursed is lie who laughs at the nakedness ofa father. Cursed is he who would aid iu bcsmirching and mocking the liope of a nation. Cnrsed indeed is thc mocker; but thricc aceursed if he be the pander too. We will pillory hini, and say ; behold thc man wlio urges tho bottle aiul eheu stauds by to moek hiai who ta"lle. SUall we \vith our e;;rnest soul he content to look quietly upoa a uiouutebank tippling parade that disgrs\ces us? We say no, foicvenuorc uo'; and we will woik our beet and boldest to fastcn a nether millstpnc of public odium upon the nwu who is ready, eitlier for a grudgo or a gain fo bcibul aud moek, that whieh lie and we ought īf not pntriotieatly su6taiu and rcvcrc.

HP Wo had better »iuuufiiotttrc goovl liqnor th«u import bad. —r—BT Who are tho A;ddullaikitee ? ° AH fōilowcrs of DavlvU iu aud discoHi.esa€d> wlio ewW iu and īuaae a tre;ity of reeiprocU£ wilh ihe Moabites* A receijit \rrito hm very fclid» touēlf iuilioate<l lumself uiul p;irty by the abo?t* —de«|guntion

iicJ ami hJtripe» irmef Mii< S from my poini of thcHp Mes t let it be at tbe tinir | when the Stars an<i Stijipe% are iea-;lj to be hoi*led |aij over. v —| j Wiiat must- be of the m.anager6 of % j this small Hawaiian who cannot carrj it on without selling a pc[rtion ? ; igp " Honolulu i<? inffsted with etreet eonm I politieians and notoriity seekerej*' so sajā a oei - I respondenfe of the Qrgan, and he i-; partiallj eorreet. But hemightas weli 3iaveaald, th,at all the ioreign populafion of Honolulu are btteet corner politielans, and we feel inelined to 1 b# something that he is as often seen around (ae j and button-hol ing a quidnune as anjbodj j else. !