Nuhou, Volume II, Number 1, 15 July 1873 — The Lepers are too Closely Herded. [ARTICLE]

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The Lepers are too Closely Herded.

'l'hei'e i8 a population of over eight htuidred boulb at the Lepei' 'BeM-lement on Molokai; and coiufortable houshig foi- less than half that number. I)iseased people should be kept apart, aud nofc erowded together, There might be one or two whoee Ciiees \vere mi<staken, and with ample airy, lodging, there might be a ehauee for eure. And would we not rejoiee at gueh a restoration ? at even one eondemned ereatiu*e returning with healtb to liome and familj onee more. But erowded in gange, in elose quarters, and ever bre-athing a fetid, poisoned uir there ls no hope lor one to ever return to be a healthy and useful mefnber of the eouutry again. And besides the phjsieal eontagion, what is to be thought of the moral condltkm of ovei* two ]mndred $inglc womeii, Beparateti from former partners ? who liave to pig aud herd where thej maj witliostopportunity for the preservation of the slightest eelf reppect? We don't believe the Government hae the meaus to meet all the exigenees of this great public mi«fortune, and therefhro we Buggeet to ;a eommunitj ever eharitabk \vith ull its feul&, to anticipato a deraand that muet bc made upoii the e<uiutry ; and īuake up a purso to provide means for the better houeing of tl»e women at tho Leper Settlement on Molokai, Theee Ilawaiian Chrm. tian women ought not to be so Fierdcd.

■]3P \Y!io has " turnc<l aeide froiu busineBs, to utt<»r «tārīJing Who i$ Uie hombre? W'e want to !ut», Tbis prognostientor of prm3igto, this pcrturbatiug propbet, tbis vilo va~ ticniator, thi« geary geer, who is ever t?aying tb-at rheve is tbe to pav and no pitōh h»ū