Nuhou, Volume II, Number 1, 15 July 1873 — "The King and the Cabinet." [ARTICLE]

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"The King and the Cabinet."

The u oflicial declavation" In thc Adrcrtkcr sfea-let}- tbat thc ccBsion ofPearl llarbor is propt*ed hy ('ahineLbut \vc ncc iu t!ic Kuokoa thafc it i« proposcd by thc Kiug and llis Cabinet; "Ka Moi. a ?ne na Kuhina/V Why ahouM eueh a m.alenal, aml'vcry difiercnt statemen fe get in to t!ie nai iue papcr ? W h;y shou 1 < 111 is Majesty bc ))roughi ror\vard ae a partisan in the UiscusBian of any queBtion ? TheMinistere alone are reßponsib!e. It is true that nnother edition wa« it s sued, eorrectiug thie Btatemeni; bntn very !arge orio was circulated aniong the natives, wliieh e.ontained the offcnsive association of llMajeetv /with Ministeriai reBponsihility, We fear that weak nien ineapahle of initiating a policy ; will only be too ready to try to identify tbe Sovereign with a measure about whieh they are in doubt; and whieh has been thrust upon tliem hy the elatnor of needy and interesfced people.