Nuhou, Volume II, Number 1, 15 Iulai 1873 — Is He a "Bull," or a "Bear?" [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Is He a "Bull," or a "Bear?"

i c arc 1201 relcrriu|;toau thc or the frrcst, bui fco jtbe %arative crcauiro Btock-job?>ing nomenel^ture % A qlosc pUWiiig ae~ euinuLitor who lio : lds hk hauik muitmidia<jms licnB ou tlic industry |0f his couutry lnicoujies iutereBtccf m the adYaneemeut of puliuteretitis, onlj so |iar either eoudiiiou oi affalrs may affeet thc ,see.uriue<s whieh .lie hohK and thue he is a ** bul| " to «ell, or a - bear ,f tu as he uetCs tljo riise : . t or lali oi' valut*, n6t earmg wLether the eounuy goecs up or down< e have eueh a oue iij the&e ielei- to whoui tl«c above query tcfcr* y hojkliug iargc interesu iu huhHndB, and to mmie ext<pnt the dettiuy of Uie eouua«d as ho keej» c)ooc iu iu*> deu t fecdiug āeeuuiukted fat l|roiu the h\ud t he must V a - \h&\xr But we havc need of a ImiU, oue with a jtough iude aud a bojd frout t re&dy the wprid wuh & poiiey pf hii owu t aud wiia w*ii buek at ?ery de«tiuj. |

AI — eieuiu^ Mr. J. W'. Gūviu, thj: outerjAjshis J» Ull 6 iuo chant or tho •• eocoad <!itj," wiU ledl io Uw aloi* W | 0 llu 'tCil |il'C olleieU U|> īu sfccri^cc, thc MūfS llot* Wilfoug, uf tii c " thīr\l cHjr," (but fc> bc tbc eeeoini) iht Xhc \vissics 0»« eoupk juy \vith mauj eoaee^ueuee?. A>- īt is taiJ that iuiuitivifc, uicrcluu, ; . phDters .md ull ile i«|luc«tiai j-cvjjlc ai\ !oi t;« 'vIU S.uut6 Tcail ll.nlvr Ccewou —vrh\> arc thc •• lqWist> "*"