Nuhou, Volume II, Number 1, 15 July 1873 — Debt [ARTICLE]

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Bparing 12. pe'r ceūt. intercßt "is t!)c JibUcss jf tl»ese klee. It is tho thumb tcrow limt, men BqucuL The that arc #f debt are q«ict. Then dorft ivy by buyiir* edstly machincrv to get neii Tast. Intercer grindt silrer and fastcr than jour macbinerj. KemeiiiMr that the gmzier*s $hears only cost one dolJar amd a quarter, and wl|en he has done work with thcin, he bas only to oil thcin and put them away ir| his tool eheei. Dop*t' you wieii you could ik» tsamc with your jjugar machincry, aad theu to town, or go to thc old home, and ha?c x time? But you jcannot. You h&vc to hha wpn to watct, and greasc all the time jour cl^inery. and intereet is sucking your hlood anu gtinding you gray. ileduce and 6implify your operations all you eaiu concentratc your fbrce, economize, and ae you love life, and be ircc in a free country, gct out of dcht.