Nuhou, Volume II, Number 1, 15 July 1873 — It will Work Both Ways: [ARTICLE]

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It will Work Both Ways:

U,ie Jriemte >A tjv: 'Ali Treaty. ILl;, sa,j tu thc consei'vativq, it wiii iuipro\c ail inuu* trial itit€rcet6,.pr<>iiiote Uie genual oi' tii« ei»j>luyer and la?JOi*ci , and teiid iuorc tbaii ot|her mca6urc to off antici'ution und prjimtej>eiidenct:. And thcn they say tu tbc ccb«|on will bc a bold tLat wīli oevcr bc rclinquiyhcd, one paw in, tne wliole animal will follow; th(j one Pcarl of Ewa wiil Lc adcompanicd in time by thc whoie c3iaplct of thc Archipelago, and thnt' tbe trcatv is the fctcppiiig Bfcpne fco annexation. INow whicsi way does thc Efng in power want it|to work ? So longas oHiee h^lds, —for hidependei|ce no doubt—i>ut ehould a j "jarrorist-oi' obstructioni6t ?? |>artyget into pow-r, uot they rai6c a, .howl lbr aunesatipn, I and evcn bc wiliing to be oakcbauucscd agahi iu j oi|der to promotc it ? 1