Nuhou, Volume II, Number 1, 15 Iulai 1873 — "A Forlorn Hope" [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

"A Forlorn Hope"

Is sa id to be oue that iudulges in the idea of eur reeiprocity wifch fchc Colonies?. An Englit?h paper discusBing reeent legiBlation of the Imperial ParHament, saye fchat whilst additional privileges have been granted in respeet to iutex-eolonial reeiproeity, yefc the Oolonies are not empowered to seek reciprocity \vith foreigu *tat&j. We ue?er euppoeed t!iey wexe eo' empowacd; but the Uomo Government rcadily gave for a bofcween the Unifced StatcB and Oanada for epeeial eoDsiderations f and would now grant the aame penniueiou to fcbe Aualniliau Ooloniee in respecl to this Arehipelago, DouH tolk to u8 of u forloru hope/" jou whoee only ho|\e 18 iu a Burrender of part ofyour domatn. QT Pique m ,uBually etiinuUU.Hi hy \\ouuded vanity« A\ e like to auy o&e who uirryiug a point whercin we jhave i*tiled, aud then we ?hmv our pique ]