Nuhou, Volume II, Number 1, 15 Iulai 1873 — A Sugar Cane Plantation [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Sugar Cane Plantation

īs no doubt a great collcetor and dietributor u[ ; but it is a rieky organimtion, aud it like putting too niueh into one boat \vitliout uisurance» Three or Four lumdred j)epple tu-e eollected together by starting a plantat!ion, fcheir condition aiul pemianem e ab a l comiuimity dcpend very oftcn upou the cnergy and iiuaneia| abilifcy of one man. A bursted boiler or a sunkeu sehooncr might break. up sueh a eotumunifJ; Three or four hur)dred gra&iers aud paieh tillcrs eouki not be so brokeu up.