Nuhou, Volume II, Number 1, 15 July 1873 — Ahuimanu College. [ARTICLE]

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Ahuimanu College.

| During our vacation|j our div«'rpl<»n wW a visif' to tise o|.L<jr sldc of Ui', if]and te a|tend tbe cxaiiiiiiatiou uf t3>e S»juiii)«ry ; known as Ahuiioanu College. The trip to t!iat p|*int tiikes us over ou| eelelmited Pali, the ajid precipice hueii a noule vicw <jf iie lovely landbeaj:>e on thc northeaHki n &Me of the ieknd. We went in Btate to t!ie Puli with a four in hand, ddven by inine hoßt of our Huk-l, Wbo is ae good a wh|ip as he is a caterer. We pkrtook of a dejeuner upon a knuli oveilooke the enchanting view; and then deecendcd on foofe the Bteep 6tairway of the moun tam, The | alope would not be so very diffieult, if the eonstant winde driving through this gorge of thc mountain-did not eoippel, sometimee» g< nlluin n ; to hoid on to their hats, and ladiee to' t md ! sjnrtß, with both h^nds v The eavern r tLe | wind| eeeina Bituated| hereabout, and Eolus and Borcas try to crack t)helrerīeeks in bl-jw ing -n | eWry pas&er-by. At| the fbot of the Pali we ! fOund friend Doiron | awaiting us with a good Ivbhic]e and a etout horse, and haviog also the Jabßistance of two boys on homhaek, who'at-' I taehed their lariate to| the ehafts of our buggy, to | help over the hills 5 away we went, a inei ry e.m- --| pany of eix in a trap' made to carry four, and at ! rioon on the tbird inetkmt we arrived at the lovcly | rfetreat of Ahuimanu,' * ! Father Lieven, the Pnneipal, a etout hcdrty gentlemnn, of about forty yeare of age» fave ue a whieh wae !hcightened by meeting hh ehadjutor Father Meitinniss, a genial son «jf the Ii?le of Faith. tlie couree of thc day, thc Venerable Bishop 3lonseigneur 3laigret, aeeompanied by Father Aubert of Lahaina, arrived; abd eubsequently we'had thc honor to meet lbr the first time Father 'Damien, our hero who has devotcd his lifc to the lepcrs. Aud eoon, with thie intel!igentj and cliatty company of we fbund ourse!ves very plcasantly at home. | The situation of A|iuimanu is very £ne, It ls iti a basin fbrmed by yo!canic action, The eea k | in the foreground ; a|nd ite background is a lofty mountain ridge ? eigbt hundred fect liigli, whkli i? a vcry wall 3 whose coping 6tones are .ever ln thc clouds ; and whose Foot is by uutreaching spur6, like the everlasting rainpary ,madc by the hand k God. The men of faith s vyho elaim tliat tlie£r ehuieh is fouuded on a Kc;ck, | have founded this establislimciit wiihin a muni- . tion of rocks, from, whoso fiseures tlicrc | ! ® forth eweet eool streams iu refreslung bounty [ like water6 pf life over a Und, . ample irrigatioii jcedg reduiidant uix> patel,K>, >ve 11 burthened banaiia grovcs, well loade\i p<;ac!i , (|reharda, produciug mo<t dclicious frui: we 1 have eaten in tlieae , a!so grovea of chirimoyas, applee, Tahitiau wi, and utlier ehoiee fruits of tropic lands. j | You vrill uot begrudge the>e to uiew: ( īuen, when you know that t!iey pxouuee them by . t,he eweai of their owu brows. The Venerablc ( Bishop !u\s built his owu viuejard, v\ud plauieu , own orvhard wUli that ime haJ thci: I r n £ with time,. retreat in the mouu- _ tain, his k> gardeu in the air/* he tetius it, p!ciVßVut and a Hght. There aiv cig!u patche% «siy s ou an aveuige, ?dxiy wHh *toiie tVur Uve īee* h^li, tnat ai*e libed wiih tt'i.ut inv* aji-i iu shv niid*i is a ?»lonc Watud v\u; ahv..: t Hv an l cvcr> 4 ail Uiom mueuux-

and evciy spadeful of eoil in the grading andj }dantmg has boen movcd and placcd by the hands j of this Vcnerable Pastor, who evidcntlj sccks no rewar d hcrc, but whoeo hope is in another world t with thc Great Husbandman, the plantcr of thc True Vine, But we must speak of the bojs, bccauec to sec and hear them wae the object for whieh we eame. There are now about forty at the College, whieh is eonsiderablj below the numbcr heretofore in! attendance at this in6titution. The exerci6es j commcnced at 10 A. M. on the Fourth of JuljJ and were preaided over by Mone» Maigret, and! Mons. Ballieu, Commissioner of France. A eap- j ital brasß band, composed of seven pieces saluted i the Ilawaiian Flag when hoisted, whieh towered*j loftily over a spaeious, umbra-gcous lanai, or | !eafy frame-work screen, to shade off the sun. ■ Father Lieven showed that he had bo|6 1 hand, and theirjreadiDg and spelling "īu | English were very good; poseibly better tban that of eome of their visitors who have grown gray in eeienee, law, war and diplomacy $ as was provcn by a dispute amoDg the ex?tmmmg gentlemen } m > respect to the spelling of the faraous sparkling j wine of France; it being contcstcd for by one who has taken part in many a eampaign that it ought to be spelt " ehampain." When.the big boys showed off their Latin, Astronomy and Algebra, we deemed it prudent,.when invited to csamine, not to be asking too many questipns, m wcriiight be interrOgatiug our masters. We remembered

sometbiDg about i' arma virum que cano 5 " eoioetlnng about real and apparenfc molion of hea'venlj bodies, and eomething about X -p y — z; but f we felt at the Bame time au internal eonsciousp .. j neeē that we would get iijj;o deep waters, if we followed up tjiosc boys too eloee, and so we prescrvcd a dignified and silent air of approval, and at the eame time our reputatlon for scientific and Bcholastic acquiremcnte« ' One bright fcllow, a Ilawaiian, named losepa Poepoe, slione conspicuously t Ile spoke French like a native of—la bclle France, he spokc Eiiglieh better than hie teachcr; he talked of the Btars as though at home in tho celestial spheres, and handled a,lgebra with that aptitude for mathcmatieal calculation eo noted in his raee. īle as tl& most advauced pupil of the iustitut-ion received aj valuable prizc, the gift of the Commiseioner of | France. We may mention Manuel, Olemeni, and j other promising pupile, who, in thoir rendcvirtg ) 14 1)ieu Oreatcur > ' , **The Importancc of Menlal PhiloBophj, M both very Buperior eompositionB; and in the diak>guc between Alexander and the Kobber in Englieii and in Hawauan, evmced talent and moefc carefu) ti'aining, Notwithetanding the intereeting o]iaracter of tbe esamination, yet aftcr ita continuation for about-four hours, there was an intereBt manifcstcd in behalf of an adjournmcnt to diqner, fbr| whieh change of exereise fc 110 one showcd a livolier \ apprcciatiou than thc Teaerab]e Bishop, Thc Bt«rn Pnneipal had kept ue vigorou!sly to our imkß ū\l all were completed; but at la«st, bojB, and visitors throngcd joyously around a well i 6upplied board, at whieh one hundred eafc down, U wae a genial fea6t. The hilarity of these hard working, self-denjing priests wae only equaled t he 6prightly chat of the ladies, The lawycr v the merchant, aiui the j<kmialkt prebent, helpcd to the fun around f chil<lren and pareivt* did iheir *havo t«» promote the general uiirthtaiid wiih in\issic and H>ng, the dāj ou» ind aHiei' thc Kaod had p!aycd many natiourtl!

| airs this innoeenl carouise c!osed witb tLe iplj lowing original song lbr ; j God tlxe Kln^ i -v—^ | Conie &tudents s let \x£ siog GodSaveour Gracioui> Riug, For whom we pray : Let Him smile 011 our siranti l)y loadiug witli Hie hainl Tlie rulcr of ihia land, J Aod bless his Sway, ! 11. j I May, grateful for their lot, | I His people pray to God ! To keep him from wiles ī And may Ahuimaou | Be cver leal and true, j To bim wlio rule* auew, j Xhcse fruitful isks. i Ul- ' Ma,y, (.luring,hiH loiig reigiu, ' " ' - ! The ialands of thi« main L • With weallh be rife j j i. his fumu abroad ! lie siich as godd men laud, . i ■ AnU jwvill lead to rest wlth God, An|l eudless Life. j The French Commis6ionei% his lady } and all ihe Tisitor9 present were highly dcligbtcd wifch fche exercises of the pupile, and with the hospitalifcy of fche fafchers;, and when we consider thafc three-fourths of fchese students arc educatcd gratuitouBly, we musfc regard Ahuimaim as one of the most praiseworfchy institutions of fchis Kingdom.