Nuhou, Volume II, Number 1, 15 Iulai 1873 — "Look the Facts in the Face." [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

"Look the Facts in the Face."

Yes |ook at them. llere is an editor or a Minieter, morc likely the iatter, firing up iii the Government Organ, and talking in this escited way. 4 4 Yea, Verily, if nothing is amiBs, what mean then, the earnest appeals of the Chamber of Commcrce? ** Whafc meau the urgenfc petition§ to the Governnicnfcj from fche bone, the einew, the inueele (and hide and tallow aleoought tobementioned) of the KiDgdom. ** Would the urgeney of their appeal as is apparenfc from tlic petition we.'print' to-day, (July 9) be called forth in such earnesfc fcones if no danger was Yea, vcrily, and nioreovcr, Brofcher, ie nofc this a humbugging statemeiit of the casc on your part? Dori't you know, and don"t- we know, thafc this petifcion, was gotten up aud signed aboufc four months ago, when there was perhape a considerahle diffcrencc of opinion as compared ,witb the present time, upon the questions embracecl in the document? Don'fc you know that some of signcrs leffc the eountry monfchs ago; and that many of them do not favor thc measurc to promote the objecfc of the petition 5 with wliieliyou wouldnow wish to idenfcify it? And is not this a false prctencc to make it appear that thc petition gotten np and forgotten monfchs ago, but published now is thc expression of asudden, rccent uprising of puhlie feeling? Is nofc your little dodiie, Brother, to bc esplained in this way? You knew thafc there was something to be done to relieve a suffering laiul; Tnit you did not know what to do. By and by, heeding ?. eertain elamor, ypu hint nbout of tcrricory s a fterwards you hearof through us of a lctter of instructions to the American minister, then you get an intimation of the approval of the a4mmistration afc Washington, whieh has been gotten for the same objeet more than onee before, aud at last it isallscttlcd, and the last mail earries propositions, aud requesis powcrs to treat ; and now you want to prepare the puhlie mind, and to appeal to it, to support yOur haltiDg diplomacy, andhenee thc assumptioii that īhei'e is au urgepfc appeal; as though thc Governmeut ; offices and tlie fbot of tlie Throne were besciged by a suftcring, outerying people. Now, verify, what sayest thou,oh, thouBweet harpist of tbe % All $a|ute? u Look the facts iu tlic Eiee t M and.6a>\if >ve liave uot put tho ease eorrectly, aud that the petition as now published, and tlie statemenis iu ēonneeUon are a ehowing of the aetual eond|ttioii of puhlie seutiment. Get up a petiuon uow fbr stgners that wiUeousent to the ("ossion of| M Pearl IHirbor Ugotm," aud that will meim