Nuhou, Volume II, Number 1, 15 July 1873 — WE ADVOCATE [ARTICLE]

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! Kec|procity with tlie United State*, with jthe Dominion of eanaelā, with the Austraj lian Colonies, with New Zea]ancl, other i Oeeanie StatesV | 'ihe negotiation of a foreign .loan to aid in jdeveloping the industrial intereHts of tliis ! Arcfnpeiago. I The abolition of the u army, n and the re- ; duetion of the Ministry. ! The inerease of the people by sanitary | measures and by immigration, | A judicious disposal of all public lands, ; -The deepening of the entrance to Honoīlulu liarbor. i . ' j To open ways throughout the Kij]gdom, |and stop expenditures 011 public buildings. j An allianee for the King.