Nuhou, Volume II, Number 1, 15 Iulai 1873 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Nimou patrons ean get all tbe uumber6 of t!io tirst vol«we ueatly bouml for $2.75 at tbe OlEee oftho Ni ——— Recifbocity wtTfi America.—WouM not our like it? fchere not a dutj of aboui t welve eeuts on our wool? Aud Its remissiōn on uicaDB of eourse alxnit $1000 more In !us |wket i\m jear, &tui ever so uiueh moro toeome, tliereforr ihere ean he uo ck>ubt whieh wny'hi«s iuterefct lie• ; but he eannot agree \vith the 'Ail iueaNurec? for proaiotin§ t\m mtei:e*t .