Nuhou, Volume II, Number 1, 15 July 1873 — WE PRESENT OUR SHEPHERD, [ARTICLE]

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With pen ih han.d, onee more, He has been entreated by friends a,n<l foes to go lionie (o Lanai and look afto* the sheep of t]iose pastures; but he has )ieard the c-ry of other sheep of these pastures, aud lie fain would vsatisfy his pastoral heart by being a voiee unto them, to gather theni together, He seeks no gain in this labor, for if lie sought it, he \vould not lind it; as he liad in a former ellort to take of the Heeee of those to pay lor tlie instruetlon imparted to thesc; and there is every prospect that he willhave to do so again. But he has a burthen that will not let him rest or stay his hand. Death stalks abroad m our midst every day, and our gray.Shepherd cannot- be unmiiulful of his grizzly wariiings, thereforo, in no spirit of factious ? or speeulative opposition, or to gratify a h\ere litcrary whini does he take up the peu; but to trv to do sdßie little work worthy of a life of su6h varied mereics and experiences, as he has iived by giving the best of his heart and brain to serve the trūest interests of his adopted isles.