Nuhou, Volume I, Number 26, 23 May 1873 — The Especial Reform Needed. [ARTICLE]
The Especial Reform Needed.
We liBtened to a clergymaii some thne ago wlio speaking of the hope hiepiiwi by the new reign; aud he thought thi« eommuiiity ehould mavk ifc bj eome notable good work of re[brmatiou ; and he singled out ae the espeeia!» distiucL ivc reforuiatory movement, a 2ealou§ advoeaey of tlīc temperanee eause, īi k one that we appreciate 5 but we think thevo ie a more erjlng du to combat in thig comiuunity thau Uiuukenueee, aud that ie elauder, ThU is 4hiefly the eiu of a eert&m religiou« reepeetability. Aud ae Christ fiaj-s f it is not that whieh goeth iuto the moulh of a niau whieh de!ileth so mueh as that whleh is6ues| from lt; therefore a 6landfcrer is infiuitely wor??efchtm a druukard, and to hreak up the! fell Bpirit of uafive gossip and tālkiug of chameter witbout kuowiug a bingle fact Is ihe eepoei&l rofbrm needed,
§y Pon*t fbrget to MvGre*orV widow. We do uot kuow; licr situatiou, but ar^ nBeur*?d it i8 de*titutc. I|f do uot lorgt>t the widow t>nd t!io J