Nuhou, Volume I, Number 26, 23 May 1873 — Sugar Mats [ARTICLE]

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Sugar Mats

. | j Iffithe eeonomie form in whiel» oui tuii.le ii - - ° * | pwt up in all othcr Oeeanie sugar pr< 'luein^ countrics. It ie betteih to make tbe mat at iioiiie, I £iian to import the We tru>:t thal the | mmt ,by the Daiinlkiss 9 to Au*>h »lni will i!h;--I trhte to U6 thc value of thc matj and tle pi' < advantagc of an Au6trjiliau nmrkct f(»r uur »-ugf r Wc ean īnake thc mat|bag, and we iuutt i jt ?!•.- ; }x>rt it. ; ■ 1 ;

Thc ainouni of gas espcndcd by well ; oi[atore in a pulpit is of no bene!lt to ihe naiiu' j pipu!ation growing up among!?t i;*. i | npt be better inetcad Jof preaehii:g iheoiy in j_.e f | pjractically by teaeliing the rising generatiōn ht x .> to obtain a living liy induBtrious LaliU ar ' * tradee? A serious person when li6tennig to t!;eH- \ lcctureB dcBcribing the great thi> naii' r ! making towarde cīv|lization will.ank t\vo | tibns: First pcr6onally, are the naliw populalk u 5 growing nioie pure aiid vlrtuoug iu the'r donK>- : tīlc tle8? Are tBcy truc and Juet in tlieir dē-il - ' ingf«? Is their inteiligenee direeted to : What ie riglit actual!y|? Or are they looking ' mW extended pleasures and fjr the meahs ī t&lnirtg them ? Are they making progref£ i;i i:. ! ftar of <jod or is the :indulgenee of t!ieir uwn lu- ■ clfnations the end and aim of their €sistcnc\. ? j l|hat 19 one genera! |nquiry auu theother i- ie^ | i | Thie nation hm a c<ptalri amount o.E the cartir> ■ eurfucc allotted to it from whieh thc nieane of U- : eup[-u)rt aro bcing wrung (on the eheapeei eoiu i' i dfct and labor.) Arc!the proeeeds of kbor ui<j tfibutcd juetly according to the work eaoh m\ii vfdual hae done, or (|i>es one plow and anotl.c» ) rcap iu virtue of *uperior etrength, euperior elt \ I or 6uperior cuijtning? Xliis is tlie criter;-u ! oji progrcse, all <kc *.$ mhl&nlinip, The statc ; c}viligation depcnds on the extent of ilie dpmain whieh is reelaimed undcr (Ue moral hw . i Nations have bcen hisjtorically giv«u \ t!icir habits of indastry. Therc i.- a wivle k•, i f<>r the young nativc )dle populanon and a Ihu elianeo for dcmagogues to prove their |\urwiM., 'by thcir lal>oi-s at produetion. Thcy all eaiiuoi bc lawyers f doctore, or poliiieiane»

Thco. 11. PavH-s 11. n. jj. UCUIv rcvYīu\j cuuii«i:v to-;uotrvi\v uei i,\:^W v «croii N'uuanu'lo join liiui >uk! l>is,Udv. ; Pot<*»ralm S H.o T?irlM», , f llcr » Qween of thc t!uipire, :|GT Wo »rv gl»il hc<u U\»m jj r , u . Aill , U»utm> heuip l«dsuiia j ! l( au M ,. : \V«ul«ku it- in a Jk>urjielnug o„nuiu v n, Ik t ,i^. ; liu*t 1k- fosw UMHW uie.i t-uckvi? i' , ;xn aciv of KnntuJ. If i! iC !«ud WJ ;i ,«f»cli a mu'i of thi> valu»Mc l.< t acluevc a «kyc« witl| bis whieh w cf*rua«llv Ik>]v for hifo\u» *i.,i Ui U,«•>l (1k cou«(lv in ,v s . v : i i