Nuhou, Volume I, Number 26, 23 Mei 1873 — "Ko Hawaii Ponoi" [ARTICLE]
"Ko Hawaii Ponoi"
<»ii Uawaii lor w tlic i I' .< v:-v poiper, io bo pi»T>lis!»cd | in !be uative b;. Tslaek & Auld; and in profcp>etuH ehnin* t cntirely iudq.cndent uf(dny bin- V a jpaper ia quitc i? fbr the y - plj?, ond we cx]»eet UiU it \nill rteei\e a lihep.l Rii'pport. Thc fjrst nu'mber will «»; J on'-»r alloul the fonr<h of »June m