Nuhou, Volume I, Number 26, 23 Mei 1873 — The Tower of the Government Building [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Tower of the Government Building

1 eompielal but not 1» ueeonknee \vith the i plana ot ])r. llutchi6oii the projecfcorand fomiaer. t Anv pemm of any avchiteetunil laele that theve is an about ihk finit?h. Tho opon OohuiiiKHl obeervatorj f pupola, or eaiui p&nile above the eloek ehamber would have £Īyen !« gn\eofu! are!iiteeturid fumh to the buiMinir, } t t . 4 i > ..-■a& wlii!«t no>v tt appcar«f l)eavjatHl hieoiuplete, Thi« the iiuU of iuvlutcet or bu!Mov, hut ot ' tliosr >rho had k in their i>o\ver to 6et a*uk the phuw inteu<lvhi Jov the eouiplelion of t ediiiee, lt will he a very fino* 6rimmentid and iut}K>rUnt ; buiMiug aa it ; but we *-huik tl>ei\ \\a«: no miani lor dejHirtiug iri*m the <k>igu of tts ' l*■ aiKl ehīol'pivujotrr-.