Nuhou, Volume I, Number 26, 23 May 1873 — The Shipping Interest [ARTICLE]

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The Shipping Interest

j Oalle Tor fchc nioffc heartj cncouragciucnt. To jwin a thousancl dollars from fcljc bea ig bcttcr t!iai« |to produce a fchoueaDd dollars on tlic land. Thc j eea is an incxhanstiblc patrimony; and what \vc |gain from it is nofc diminishcd by fchc slightest deterioration, or loss bj exhaustion t Thc !jarrcn island of Nanfcuckct bj cxtcnding thc arca of its l]usbandry on thc sca, acquires thc weaHh that k M3??led from a ikli ak couutvy. We 1 should cneouragc by bouut) jur well jas our agrioulfcurai ititerest. AN'e oug!it to be prci cunnenttY a maritime fctate; but we w ill do well jif our planting intcrc«t is fuily secouded hy our j shipping intere«t.