Nuhou, Volume I, Number 26, 23 Mei 1873 — Wool [ARTICLE]
; Ib ccrtainiy »jot one oj thc best pvoducU for-a j tropical country, yct it is dceerviDg of a favorable 1 considcratioii ip tliis arcliipelago,becau&e \ve liave I plenty of eool, elevated lauds, \v.herc the shcep ; will improve and not detcriorate. And for wool ] \ve ha\e 6oine\vhat bettcr opportunitie6 for a i markct thau for othcr etap!es; becaut<e \ve are j not the .Paeiiie eoaet; but find an j out!et sometimes in a British, Germaū, or even a j Canadian market. We ought to have none but j the bes£ quality of eheep, coneidering the dietauee we have to freighfc, and a twelve pound Aeeee eats 110 more than a two pouiul pelt of mised hair and wool.