Nuhou, Volume I, Number 26, 23 May 1873 — Dead Heads [ARTICLE]

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Dead Heads

Aro tlie deti'iment if not the death of a grcat many enterpriBes, We liave discovered that thej are peculiarly obnoxious to a uewapapei 4 entei'prise. It does not scem ho bad to dcad Jicad on ? a journal as on a puMie or in a restaui*%n% gfocery or : liquor Btorc,l)ut the rosults sire juKfc the A man who will stand by a counter and read yonr paper through wHhoul forking out a dime is on a par with thc man who walka off with a pound of raieins without paying for the samCc llowcver, we do not eomplain for our own sakes, as we edited a newspaper more for our amusement than for tho sake of busine&s ; but we epeak for the fraternity of whom ws havc been a transient momber 5 that their braia work ehould reeeive every dime and doliar, whieh thc publieatiou of it may fairly elaim at your haiah.