Nuhou, Volume I, Number 26, 23 Mei 1873 — A Pacific Cable [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Pacific Cable

Will no cloabfc hc laid vcry eoon, pechaps wkliin two or fiveyears at the moet } iuid will of course have a Btatioii atHonolulu. Whon'thc lightning intel]igcnce to us undt;r iiie sea then Paeiiie flcete will uuiko 'this grou]> a rcgular rondezvous, the people of wealthand ]ci«urcof thc Pāeiiie coast will spend thcir scasons liei'e. manj eommei'eial operation« will concentrat<? at this point, and Honolulu will or ought to heeoine the einrepot of the Pacific.