Nuhou, Volume I, Number 26, 23 May 1873 — Producers [ARTICLE]
! Sli€ukl tukc a Tory pi l ouiinc«t \uvi in the direo- | tibn of thc puMie afH\i|rs oF Une country. Aluk*t I ifca solc baBis is ngricnlturul pnxluctiou Agcnt > mav no UouM do*irc to rcpie*ct t j T<ky <ully aud Hvith(VillY tho iutcrcsts t{icir i pHneipale ; but one oF tbc lattcr \\ith his pnietlI eal cspericnoo t in thc councl!< of thc ' Uo\cmncnt. Thcrc not u num t\t thc of I thc aihuinietrat(on of puWie affiun>, wl o has h\ \ j u|iv cxpcvicncc ouUid: of an v!Rco or a eoimlei I Tjhcrc is uo Joubt uiueh ik\\l of liu the lcgi*h\tion ui>t Jiplou*;icy vt a -rc.-.t j'c«jnui£ry ; but a jS4uall|onc like ihis tlut ha* uwie j of;icUou tlu\u of ovg;\ni/att\m or vli*cu*sLu j iihouUl luwe ai\ activ * aannn{ra 11n e uulk! , I o*iU clcar bcAvlc<! atv'[ nv-t *ctw\l a; thc hcad of or havin£ .vmuc couīv<-1 ?;i tuc ',r xtxHiou ofpuMie affai\v< >\Y ku -w -:\it • ;,<t t\\ ol thriv pbntcts, \\\»uM L tScu'i: Cubinct Winistovs 4 niul w! ou. v?. 1 h«j; -\t ♦ * : • > to a no\\ £taguant j*ovcrv%iU' i'