Nuhou, Volume I, Number 26, 23 Mei 1873 — The Friend of Hawaia. [ARTICLE]
The Friend of Hawaia.
| |Robert Crichton Wyllie spent a fovturie ke j qiifred by bonorable chterpme in proi!iotit3g t< | interest6 of Hawaia, lle gave bts talents as> w ' !ae| his money, in bebalf of tbi§ Khigdom, !li> | indefatigable writings to men of.note in all | of|t-he world gave it a eonsequenee it never 1 a I ! before. He did more |tban anybo<3y else to glve iPa national position |abroad, Men of negijiive cbaracter and merely sblfisb in all tbeir acttj | sn;eer at bis ever busy pen, and may ēay, in ! thc case of fcbe parity ! clau?e in tbe treaty w i Dcnmark tbat be lun<iered as mueli as be hCii* bi|s adopted country. ;Tbis is the sneer of a man w|io \vould not saeriiee a dol!ar or an bo\Jr*# j labor of bvain outslde|of bis own interests ; ina as wē bave secu 110 iiy|ury t but on!y nallooal eon- ; sequenee, beyond tbe veal e!aims of tbie po:>r | conntrj dcrivod fronij thcsc trcatics, iu.-tigat.c.! | arid niainlj negotiat<|d l>y Mr; Wj!lic, «e fec! tliat as a diplomat, !.i J!inistcr, nnd a īoan "f | propcrtj in this areljipelago,. he wa« thc Vc*t ■ friond of llawaia. 1 I !