Nuhou, Volume I, Number 26, 23 Mei 1873 — Reciprocity but not Cession. [ARTICLE]
Reciprocity but not Cession.
j a leDgt|)y"eoißmui>icatiūn fro»i * native gentleniau, whuj espre£scs a verv gcuer;:d sentiment auu>Dg the native people ti)at']io ceselnii of!territory will be eopeeivted to by tbem fov tbe |sake of acquiring theadvantagcF of a free mmh. [ j He aleo discusses ihe d tspusal of the (.inverniiieu t ) Pifess as cffected in the intere*t <»f ;i | arid iiōtt in aeeordanee wilh faīr cui:j)]«. tituii or j for the best interest the euuntrv, Thc <*enti~ j ments of thie writer ripreeent a wiuer inSaen:»j thkn anything uttere|l by the Kuoh>a f wliieh may repregent a religidug ecn{iiuent, l>utMot t*!<. pdlitieal viewe of a roajbrity of thc people, Hha+i wiīl shortly have a cotreet espoi>ent in t!>e nev; ncwepaper t |