Nuhou, Volume I, Number 26, 23 May 1873 — Native Labor [ARTICLE]

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Native Labor

Is thc bcst we liave, we never doubted this, Tlic j IlawaiiiaEi on his own grouud, aud in lm own eli-1 mate ean do more work tban any otber man ; be| ean row a boat, boe bis row, work a road, eleai* j a field, load a ehip, captuve a imlloek, eheav a 1 eheep, rlde a borse, ewiin, run, dive, or elimh better than any othcr man, \vhite or who! comes bere to work alongside of him/ Butfor | all that s he does not supplj all tbe needs of tbe country for lahor ? and does not supply as m'ueh as he could. Ile is inconstantand inconstaney 1 ōr want of applieation is tbe loese iu tbe| charactcrs oF all the colored races» Tbe kanaka j bas no need to be very con6tant, and doee not suifer if lie has negleeted aeeumulalion and aprovision for old age. Thc bounty of the whole race affords a sure refuge to any baukrupt, erip-' ple or paupcr among their number. ! A kaiiaka ean never beeome dead brokc and drea(l the poor J house, beeausc be will always be weleome to fisb and poi in any uative but tbafc be enters, Andj 80 it is hard to get plantation hands out of sucb j casy going, spending, mutually belping p>eople, But \vbere labor has beon a law, and tbrift tbe habit. of tfao people, there ,we may hope to find % ] few hetpers, to produee staples to furnish mate-' rial for a eommetec, and tbe upbuilding of an | enlightened etate» We muet look to tlns; we' muet get lielp from Asia, if we eannot from! Europe or Ameriea. And when we try toget| nien and women from China, Japan, llindosta{) | or Mnlaysin, ouv endeavor in reepoet to .<ll eb immignition do<>s not irajly ai\y want of appvceiation of native labor.

85T A pnuonlioue aud oaptious j)tovea bj ite *uuuous.csclu*ivism the povorty a»d vulgarHy of ita origin. An mdividual wlio !uis beoi> brought up incontact wiili kwo euT>st«.ntiolnlUj of positioii is 11 ot atwajs in dread of anj tion of whosc inAuenee it not Mlj amrcd TUc \«\rvenu who wants to igiKvrc the nieanno!* of tho po*t mu«t he a oowarc!; but those ftil peoplo who brave!j mvgm\*o the poor eonJitione of thcir early not and pueh wil! loiin a lihoraV ;«ui goncroiK uul mi a eapUou* soeietv