Nuhou, Volume I, Number 25, 20 May 1873 — Send an Agent to the Colonies. [ARTICLE]

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Send an Agent to the Colonies.

Ile woukl receiye an iminediutc and eourteouB attention. At Meibourne s Syduej, or Auekland, | the autliorities woukl givc a eordial weleome to a ; repreBentative of thc Ilawaiian Kingdom. Ile would not meet a puhlie man there wbo did notliuve a tolerah]y intelligent iuea of thia Archi-pelao-o; and who woukl not he intevcsted in promotinir ekwi' commercial reiations with this hranch of the Oeeanie {amily. But let him go to Wiislungton, and exccpt the interest taken in }fm mission bj T the administration, and a few Sen-; ators of t!ie Atlantic and Pacific States he VvouKl: be raortified at the indiflerence felt for his grbup | of ifela-nds, and anytfiing he niight propose in rclaUon to Ihem. He would be met. with a satirie Bmile at bis verdane3 T in supposing that Amenea woukl disturb her tariff sj*?tcm, or forego a por« tion of hor revenue in behalf of a eommunity, whieh howevcr mueh it might ho Amenean, yef desire<! to maiutain an independent organization. lle woukl be told by t!io of wotild meefc there, thiit wlien hte eountrj sued fbr the privilege of havuag Beur\vy dead beat puli-, tioianj> of Washington, £et over her, that Ihen ehe might for the advantages of a free market wUh the eountry to whieh *he was naturallj I>ouikU iu faet iie woukl diseovev in Ameriea rhat Btepmother eharaeter towards thi6 quaei Ameriean eolouy, whieh so often been attHb\ited to Eiv:huid iu re«|H?et to her okl Ameriean

cul«vnics. But in tho Oeeanie eolemiea he would! mcet with welcome ? "and a rcadj car ? to listen toj propositioDS fbr mutuul frcc trade, for the promo-1 tion ōf eteam commimications y aiid fur thc aeeom-' | mod?ttion of capital at a low ratc of int€rc&t,[ • Therelbre, lct ne eomhine, mihoeiihe, peli^iun, and promptly cncourage and aid tbe Govcrnment to eciid a commcrcial agent to the Colonies. Our' native people will eordially Bupport eueh an agency and a movemeufc. r ——_____ ;