Nuhou, Volume I, Number 25, 20 Mei 1873 — CITY NEWS. [ARTICLE]
J 44 J|rin go Bkae."—We. have reoeived a lengtliy | eommunieaUou iVora a native corre6pondent who 1 handles an able and laeile pen, and wlio signs • the al)ove Ilawaiian adaption of the Ilihemian i patriotic cry of (< Evin go Bragh. M Ile gives | the native views in respect to reeiproeifey, and we j i will endeavor to lay them hefbre onr readers in ; ! our nCxt issne, ' I |: . | | llis Majesty was present at the meeting of j 1 the Ladies' Benevolent Society held in the school j room; of Fort Strcet Chureh on last Thursday j ! evening, and also at the"Ladies' Stranger-s Friend j Soeiety held on Friday evening at the residenee of | the Rev. S. C. Oamon. Both meetings were well | attended by gratified erowds of ladies, gcntlemen j and javeniles. The King evidently enjoyed bofch j oeeaßions very mueli. | Tlie steamer Kllauea is laid up at Robinson , s wharf for repairs this week, She is in the hands of Mr. Emmes, our effieient ship builder, and will receive thorough and prompt renovation in liis hands. As the damage whieh she reeeived wlien on the reef at Kaunakakai is not yet known, and whieh may lx v ,a mere serape» or sometliing of more eonsequence, it eannot yet be said whether she will be ready for her usuai routes nest week or not, We hope ehe will, The Kilauea is the grand higbway of this arehipelago, and eonstitutes the chief ehannel of Ilawaiian inter-island .eommuDioation. — Ciiurch Consk€ratiok. —The eeremony of eonsecrating the Eoman Catholie Clinrch a( Wailuku, Mani, took plaee on Sunday, Msy 4, and was wituessed by a large concourse of people assemblod from all the lands r The Biglit Rev. Bishop Maigret eonducted Ihe services, assisted i>y several clergvmen fiwm Hawaii* Maui an& Oahu s Tbere was at\ u»usually large altendī\nce of Ibreigners % attraeted in to witness the imposing eemnome^ and in part to show respect to the Rev. Abbo Leonore, the pastor of the uew ehui-eh, under whose auspices !t has been For uiueieen yeavs he haa labored at uluku, with this objeat always in view, and has lived to witness (lie eompleliou nnd eonsecratlon of a ehhreh ( wliieh, though noi a* 1 60iae othe£6 in all iu beauty aml of design aud symmetry. To the Viberality of the residents of Waihiku. without dLstinction of ereed, he aekuowledges his for a!d hi coustiuctiug tho ediScc, The music for the was very Ci\e % and al! present acknowledged that Wailuku h;is jnever beenfa\ored wUh bettef\ Besides several |sweet ft»mal<> \oieos from! Honolulu and eUowbero # the Freneh Coininlssiou4r asslsted wUh liis well* trauied aiui powerful vokv. The vices wlll be long remetnbered bv \ll who were -o fortunaie ;v> t * \\itn* - thetn /'i »'
23f\ fail to be at the Hotel next Thursd;iy eveningto hear ".Lo\t" among the Ilosesi" unl (i Thou art so near and|yet so far/* ĒP 5 * Dou-fc believe a word he says, he heaid <K)heerning ha\ In mnety-nme eases out of a htitidred it is all a lje, and if it wae true, |he ehbuld not repeat it. Suppose the eauie purity wds exacted of men tjiat is exacted of \vom< n there could hardly be a slngle marriage. Then wsy talk eo mueh o|* what you know aV»ut women and so prove the nastmess ofyour own lifb by the readiness with whieh you listen to ana repeat an evil story about a woman ? This eommhnity is preeminent £jr sueh eowardicc. Xchl aeeusē a woman, riglit, or wrong, aml if any lellow tells.some story about one f doivt believe a w6rd he eays. —j I * I The Promenade| Conccrt at the Hotel Ibl t Thursday wae not so well attended, owlng to tlie j eoppany at the Fort Street Chureh soeial jmptin*f; but the performanee was very gratiiyj ing. The " Beauty ojf the Alhambra was dejli|htful with solos, and ioterblonded I play of accompanying But tae | eopnet aehieved a in The Mail Carrier | in! the Woods this was an eeho of tlie •• windj ing hom/ % that on the observatory, j seemed to send sweet pealing notes from tlie Lilis j far away, You, frien^s # that like this pleasa::: | miisieal whieh wiih it& eeou^un|in|ents would be a in any eity in thc world, s arjd who have promis?d to pay a dollar or twe» liand it over at ouee, nnd encourage Berger and hife band with a l!ttie liberaliU Bis dat qui | cifk? dat. Whieh means that bomttimos a qutek | dime is better than a| slow quarter. Hand ilie I dipes~over to Bush, asj he is too busy to be runj nipg after them j ! The Organ of | 'All' Si\ints is of opiol.m | that the Congro£Utiou of the Stone Chureh aro , inppired with devctiou to thelr Maker, audloyaJty j to| pio Sovereign by presence of their Kin^. jlt|k to be hoped that vj>ther ehurehee and e\mgre- ) gi\tions ean maiuttun their dcvotion aud loyalty | in| the »beenee of such j>ersonal ptesenCe. Invleed j they all proved their loyalty bj the unanimity ef vote last New Year*s Day; and as r^gard< idevolio» to it is Of poo? <juality s that is />.- jfliieiieed by the n\ere prvNsenee of auother feUow ! shwer, howevot eminent iu eart!\ly j\^itlon U4n the quintosset\ee cjf namby p<\ml'Y ioadyUm, | cver, amoug the n\ost 1 thorough mona\vhists, ! farther thī\\\ this attribution t;> a ro\a* o!Thv of 1 : b % % māuenee and an iuspiration x whieh weu!d juever have heen elaimevl for the man* Tt is : euough to sieken the of IKv*e 4 who h£ve ' liittncsl to me:\n disloyalty ft\nn t!v *ame ' there no to tv snK*erved 'a* i ii hy the slaver of aduh\tiot>