Nuhou, Volume I, Number 25, 20 May 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Til 15 HB.IJ, LATLI* V ITM'TUAI- AM) WELL SXJIPIPLIKr) I" -A. M llj Y CROCERY STORE! Potatoes, Onions, Corn, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, California Figs, FLOUR, OATS, BARLEY, BRAN, a ntf everything thai a Tasty and and ions ITonsekeepi r (t K n f (L< for her tab ft r At JUDD & LAINE& THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL! jiLtr: JJ j A. HERBERT, : : PROPRIETOR. i rpms has become the most popular institution of! X tbis city. It is the one, which recommends us ] most to the favorable consideration of strangers. Everyone who arrives in Honolulu indulges in an 1 expression.. of surprise to find so large, so elegant, 1 and such a well appointed Hotel, It cost, a good sum, but it is well worth the money, The chief projectors and promoters of the building were I blamed for having erected such an extravagantly ' large edifice ; but before a year has expired since it was opened it is frequently found to be too small to accommodate its throng of guests,—and* the proprlj etor is about to erect four adjacent cottages to meet i the demand upon his hospitality. ! Travelers from all parts of the world who are now brought here in comfort by the commodious stenmships oi the Australian line*say uuanimously that j there Is' no house of public entertainment on the Pacific coaat, or in the JkUish Colonies which sur- ; passes in point of comfort and elegance the new ' Hotel . . " ' : The building is lighted with gas* The Dining • Room is a spacious noble hall, and can seat 200 person (at table. The parlor is furnished Tejy luxuriously, | and has a superior toned piano for the eutevtaiu i iueut of guests. There is a Billiard Saloon provided w?h three Slhrale & Co. % s patent'cushiou tables. 1 The ISed-rooms are all furnished with spring matI tropes, and ta#eful sets of furniture* with cold and warm, and shower baths attached, * There are no extra charges for conveyance of ! guests between sten.ier and Hotel in coming aud ! going; and no extra eh*r»*v *' ! of hassage % - 'tinV \Mi mi«V 1 '